Forrest & District Neighbourhood House March 2018 Program All the regular activities are on as planned. And this month, proud to announce the E-Recycling event for you to drop off your old electronic items for a good cause. Also, find out more about the Colac Otway Arts Trail for Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th of... Read more February 24, 2018
Forrest Neighbourhood House has a new coordinator in town, Renee Taylor! Come by to all the regular activities at the Forrest hall, or swing by during the open hours for internet, printing, a chat and whatever you need. “I hope to meet and get to know more of you as my time goes by, please... Read more February 24, 2018
The Forrest Common is located on the east side of Station Street. The neighbouring properties include the Forrest Caravan Park and the site of the future development of the Forrest Brewery. The Forrest Common is 1.5ha in area, comprises of a playspace, barbecue shelter, an information board and seating. With increasing focus on tourism activities... Read more February 24, 2018
MT GELLIBRAND WIND FARM Mount Gellibrand Wind Farm will be located 25 kilometres east of Colac and 17km west of Winchelsea in the Colac Otway Shire on Victoria’s Western Plains. The wind farm will be constructed around the southern and western sides of Mt Gellibrand itself. These open and partly elevated plains make the... Read more